Sometimes It Doesn’t Matter Why You’re Right

MAR 13 2023
Explicitly Fragile

Hats off to the Pivoters.

For much of the past year, they dutifully bought stocks betting that the Fed would start cutting rates.

No matter what FOMC board members said in public, it would seem that Pivoters consistently expected the Fed to relent on its stated rate trajectory. Through their actions, it would appear that they not only correctly estimated that the Fed would balk at the price to fight inflation but that it would balk sooner rather than later.

Well, I think it’s safe to say that sooner could come as early as next week.

That’s when the FOMC reconvenes not to decide how much to hike, but to determine whether to hike, pause, or cut. And I have a hard time seeing the Fed hiking rates in the face of three bank failures in one week.

Perhaps the Pivoters saw an FOMC vulnerable to populist political pressure that favored economic growth over price stability. Maybe they knew the U.S. economy was too fragile to handle 5% interest rates leaving the Fed no option but to relent.

Or, it could be that their business models left them with no other choice but to keep buying stocks.

In other words, Pivoters’ prescience was only implied by their actions.

However you attribute their predictive powers, the Bulls have the ball.

“Higher for longer” stocks will be the name of the game now that the Fed has the cover it needs to keep leverage in the system with cheap money.

Markets may pull back sharply for a few weeks. But systemic fragilities rising to the surface will give the Fed the cover it needs to get back to what it does best – bailing out banks.

Since 2008, the Fed implicitly bailed out banks and boosted markets through perpetual QE.

Today, those bailouts are now explicit. But with the Fed going back to pumping money into the system, Silicon Valley and Wall Street can get back to using leverage to milk more profits out of mediocre ideas.

Which is, after all, what they do best.
Don Yocham, CFA
The Carnage Continues! Fed, Banks, Earnings and More

Tomorrow, I expect markets will digest even more of the fallout from the bank bailout that isn’t a bail out.

Is this the crisis that forces the Fed to pivot, providing comfort to hoards of long-only investors or will it press on with its inflation fight?

Join me tomorrow, at 9:15am ET for my Morning Monster.

I share with you my read on the emergency Fed meeting, what the Fed will do next, what we can expect out of markets, and – most importantly for you – what I see moving today.

I go live every weekday at 9:15am ET on YouTube. To set a daily reminder, bookmark this link. Be ready to take notes as I give you my pre-market analysis on SPX, SPY, NDX, QQQ, Russell, IWM, and other stocks that are potential plays for the day.

This market window has paid 10%, 20%, sometimes even 50%!

Have you heard of the market window that has paid 10%.... 20% … sometimes even 50% just by placing a quick trade in the morning?

Oh… And closing out only 72 hours later?!

I don’t suspect you have. But even though many traders haven’t heard about this phenomenon, it’s not just some once a month opportunity…

It’s not even a once a week trade… This opportunity presents itself nearly EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! 

There’s an obscure Wall Street phenomenon that only a select few know about. It gives traders like yourself a daily chance to target a couple hundred bucks or more.

All by just placing a trade in the morning, and riding out the 72 hour window. 

With earnings season coming back around I’ve got my eyes set on this window. I’m ready to show you why you should be laser focused on it, too! 

Join me at 8pm TODAY when I share my strategy for trading this unique window. 

I look forward to trading with you. 

See you on the flip side, 

Your Monday Update on AAPL

Apple Inc. (AAPL) has made a double-top pattern… in fact, almost a triple-top over the last month. 

The MACD indicator looked as if it had an opportunity to go bullish, but it didn’t and remains bearish. 

I think we still have a week or two of bearish action in the MACD for the market to unwind itself. 

Right now, Apple seems to be stuck in a channel, between $155/$157 and $147. 

The sideways trend for AAPL will likely continue for the next few weeks. I’d suggest caution, unless you’re shorted or hedged… and keep your eyes on those levels. 

Have a good week!
Being a Lion Saved Your Bacon

Over the past few weeks I’ve mentioned the scarcity of good quality setups, and last week my main take was that the market was not ready for a new upswing, and chaotically bouncing around the Key Levels was more likely.

That’s exactly what happened … until Friday when the rains poured!

The catalyst to this was of course the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, which took less than 24-hours from start to finish in the most dramatic scenes seen on Wall Street since 2008.

The most likely scenario from here is that the FDIC will calm the situation in the next few days, but the market is now likely to test those January lows. If they fail, then the June lows will hove into view.

Last week, I kept counseling patience… Be the lion and not the headless chicken. Sound guidance!

Personally, I think another leg down is what the market really needs in order to provide the rich seam of setups that makes us happy traders.

So again, this is prime lion time.

Guy Cohen

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