Here are your July tickers

These are the 4 tickers you will want to watch this month

I can't believe it's July already!

Just last week, I got settled into my "summer home" here in Aspen. As much as I absolutely love it out here, it always surprises me how quickly I find myself back in this cabin each year.


But let's get down to business.

Now that July is here, you are going to want to know these 3 tickers.

These are the stocks my research team found that have gone up in the first part of July for 10 years in a row.

Yes, 10 stinkin years consecutively.

If they had gone down one time in this window since 2013, they are out.

Pretty wild, right?

I am telling you, this calendar anomaly is unlike anything I have ever used before.

And we've been KILLING IT since my team and I finalized the research and started issuing real time signals based on this calendar.

How good have we been?

90% accurate!

That's insane in these markets, folks.

And the thing is… these are not 1 or 2 percent dividend style wins. No, no no…

These are BIG income trades. Up to 20%.. Sometimes even more.

All based on these unique windows where specific stocks tend to get driven up over and over.

If you want the 3 stocks (actually, I have a bonus one in there so it is really 4 stocks) for the beginning of July and all the other details on this research…

Watch My Presentation ASAP

Talk soon,



Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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