Build Your Ultimate Dividend Portfolio

People really need some extra income right now… this could be the answer
I want to tell you about the dividend workshop with Geof Smith this coming Monday February 26th at 2pm ET.
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Look, the fact of the matter is that people really need some extra income right now.

And no I’m not talking about trading stocks… Selling options… Nothing like that.

I’m talking about the heart of income - Dividend Stocks.

The tried and true companies that pay time and time again - without us needing to lift a finger.

This Monday @ 2pm ET, I’ll be joining Geof Smith to give you the THREE basic rules to building the Ultimate Dividend Portfolio

Plus we’ll be sharing our 7-Best Dividend paying stocks for FREE.

That way by the time the workshop is over, you’ll have a handful of great stocks to use to start generating some extra cash now.

To be clear… this will be a meat and potatoes, roll your sleeves and take notes workshop.

Go here to register.

To your trading success,


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