Death of Apple's car equals profits for Tesla

Apple’s recent decision and the effect on Tesla
Hey, I want to remind you about my upcoming event.

But let’s pivot to a relevant news headline first.

Recently, we’ve enjoyed some exciting news that’s had a good effect on Tesla.

In case you missed it, here’s a recap… 

On Monday, Apple announced they were scrapping the development of the “Apple Car” which was supposed to rival Tesla. 

In my opinion, Apple certainly had the brand recognition to challenge Tesla’s dominance…

But after more than a decade of development, Apple’s top executives pulled the plug.

This was great news for Tesla and its shareholders.

And if you are a part of Perfect Tesla Trader, you know we closed out our position on Monday for a 27% gain. 

Granted, not every trade always wins, there will be losers too, this is the stock market after all.

But this recent news also helped Tesla make its 3rd new high in the last month…  

And this is encouraging to see in regards to building momentum.

It’s also the reason I’m rubbing my eager hands together as I write this message. 

Because if the momentum continues, we could be looking to make our next Perfect Tesla Trade on March 7th…

If you are interested -tomorrow- I’ll be talking about Tesla and the opportunity I see in the week ahead.

Obviously, I’d never guarantee a winning outcome, but if you’d like to check it out, go to this page and let me know you’re interested in attending.
See you tomorrow,
Lance Ippolito
*Past performance is not indicative of future results. Trade at your own risk. From 7/20/23 - 3/1/24 on live trades the win rate is 75%, the average return is 20.07% on the options over a 3 day average hold time.

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