The Star of My Portfolio Shines Even When the Stock Doesn't

Will we see another green light entry this week?
The Star of My Portfolio Shines Even When the Stock Falls
Tesla has always been the star of my portfolio, the main event, the centerpiece. But let's face it, even stars can have their off days — or off months, as it's been for Tesla recently.

Here we are, looking at the numbers, and it’s down almost 30% year to date. Now, I hear some of you sighing out there, but hold on... There's a silver lining here because as long as there are options to trade, there's a silver bullet for every scenario — yes, I'm talking about puts.

Because Tesla goes through cycles, and we can always trade both sides, puts in bearish cycles and calls when the bulls are on parade…

I've got a feeling, a trader's intuition if you will, that Tesla is simmering on the edge of a fantastic trading opportunity. This isn't just gut speaking… 

Consistency is key, and although we might step back on those weeks when the stars don't align for Tesla, we've seen some real fireworks since we kicked off this program last July.

Let's talk numbers… 

We have a 75% win rate across 20 trades since we started. That's 15 out of 20 trades coming out on top. 

The average gain per trade clocks in at 20.07%, with a glowing profit factor of 2.7, all while averaging a brisk three days per trade.

And the stats include the whole shebang — winners and even the ones that got away from us (the average return on just the winners is 42.34%!).

We're riding a winning streak of six trades this year, which is the kind of momentum I'd like to bottle up for future droughts. Of course, there are no certainties in trading. Risk is the price of admission to the trading floor.

But let me tell you, Tesla's dance card isn't full of slow waltzes — it's packed with high-tempo numbers. We're looking at momentum cycles that can stretch out for weeks, giving us a four-to-six-week window to swing with the bullish and bearish rhythms.

In short, Tesla's not just another ticker on the board — it's a high-speed train that we've got the know-how to hitch a ride on at just the right times, and the track record speaks for itself. 

And if my hunch is right, we should be in for a treat riding along with Tesla’s ups and downs for at least the next couple of years.

So, let's keep our eyes on the prize, stay nimble, and ready to trade smart. 

Tesla's got the moves, and we've got the strategy. Here's to catching the next big wave!

If you want to see how I do it, all you have to do is go here!
The team at Lance Ippolito Trading

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*Past performance is not indicative of any future results. Trade at your own risk. From 7/20/23 - 3/1/24 on live trades the win rate is 75%, the average return is 20.07% on the options over a 3 day average hold time.

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