Dear Reader,
The Founding Fathers must be rolling in their graves.
If they were alive today, they wouldn’t recognize our country.
Gone are the principles, freedoms, and ideas that transformed our country from a backwater of the British empire into the most powerful nation in all of history… to be replaced by something dark and dangerous.
George Washington warned us of this nearly 230 years ago…
He said we must guard against the “internal enemies” within the Republic.
Because they would “constantly, covertly, and insidiously” work to undermine democracy by stoking political division… attacking capitalism… and starting wars.
Sound familiar?
While it took hundreds of years for these internal enemies to finally gain control, with Biden in office they’ve established a near-permanent stranglehold on our country.
And what they have planned next will shock you.
In my new exposé, I pull back the curtain on what’s really going on in America, what’s coming next, and what you must do to protect your assets before it’s too late.
You can stream my new documentary here.
Porter Stansberry
to bring you the latest market-moving news.
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