How we track Hedge Fund buying in real time

It’s not as complex as they make you believe
In a few hours, I’ll be showing you the unique way I’ve been using - together with a group of 800+ traders - to track Hedge Fund buying as it’s happening! 

As you’ll see once I’m live, this unique way of following in the footsteps of top Hedge Funds has helped me lock in over 160 wins with a 95.7% success rate…

And I believe there are still more juicy tradable opportunities for us to tap into.

Obviously I can’t guarantee future returns on these tickers or against losses.

But if you’d like me to fill you in on exactly how we track Hedge Fund buying in real time…

Then make sure to join me here at 1pm eastern

See you there!

Roger Scott

The profits and performance shown today are not typical. We make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. From 10/30/2023 to 4/30/2024 on closed trade signals, the average win rate is 95.73%, and the average return per position (winners and losers) is 13.34% with an average hold time of less than 24 hours on the options.

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