We’re On Our Own Today…

Jeffry’s gone to do his civic duty
We’re On Our Own Today…

Jeffry’s been called to do his civic duty, so we’re on our own today… Actually, depending on how things work out, Jeffry said he may try to do an afternoon show if he’s not selected to serve. With ongoing earnings and The Fed rate announcement today at 2pm Eastern, it’s sure to be a heck of a day. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, thankfully, Jeffry’s given us plenty of guidance on how today could play out. Scroll down for our recap on how the market may react, plus if Bitcoin may have just found a bottom.

— The Jeffry Turnmire Trading Team

P.S. Click here to subscribe to Jeffry’s YouTube channel completely FREE — and you’ll never miss another episode of Morning Monster again.

Goodbye, April… Good BUY, May!

They say that April showers bring May flowers…

And that seems to be the case in markets this year. With a turbulent April 2024 officially in the history books… 

Jeffry’s custom-built VVD indicator is flashing BUY on one beaten-down stock!

Register your spot to get all the details!

Interest Rates… And Bitcoin Bottoms?

On yesterday’s post-close 30 Minutes of Awesome, Jeffry told us that typically, the day before a big Fed announcement the market doesn’t move much.

But yesterday was anything but typical as the market slumped almost 1.5%.

He told us that if the SPX bounces roughly between the 5020 and 5040 level, it could be a setup for a pop higher somewhere in the 5147 to 5200 range.

This morning, while Jeffry was sitting in jury duty, the SPX bounced firmly off of 5015.78 and has been heading higher.

Some might say that Jeffry missed the mark — after all, he called the bounce zone as being between 5020 and 5040.

But remember what Jeffry always tells us: We can’t think of key levels as firm “lines in the sand.”

As he always reminds us, the Fibonacci tool he uses to find his key levels are standard tools that are available to anyone — even the big institutions who can move the market.

So do you think they’re going to always bounce at exactly the right level?

No, they might try to front run the market and sell off early. Or maybe they want to fake out the market and buy after it looks like it’s left the target zone.

It’s a key lesson that Jeffry repeats often — and it could be what’s at play today.

So for the SPX, keep an eye on that key level — or as Jeffry likes to call it “fuzzy zone.”

Here’s how the SPX looks as of press time. Keep an eye on roughly that 5015 level. A drop below that could invalidate the pattern Jeffry told us about.


Meanwhile, Bitcoin has been in a slump, losing almost 13% of its value since the Halving nearly 2 weeks ago.

As Jeffry has told us many times leading up to the big event — although no one likes it, this was completely normal and expected.

However, in last night’s Morning Monster, he called out a potential bottom forming on Bitcoin.

At the time (yesterday around 5:30pm Eastern), Bitcoin was sitting at roughly 60,650.

He told us that a move down to his proprietary Roadmap Line indicator — today that would be roughly the 56,000 level — would be a perfect setup for a move  higher.

As of this morning, Bitcoin has hit as low as 56,720. Could a bottom be in sight?

As always, Jeffry warned us not to try to “catch a falling knife” — in other words, wait for a sustained bounce before considering it a tradeable opportunity.,

To get Jeffry’s full analysis on everything we’ve discussed here, tune in to 30 Minutes of Awesome:
SPX analysis at the 7;49 mark
Bitcoin analysis at the 19:55 mark

— The Jeffry Turnmire Trading Team


Rip Van Winkle finally woke up! After a long period of slumber, Jeffry’s Green Light Income Alerts triggered a series of alerts in April.

Members were treated to 6 new trades, 5 of which have closed, with one remaining open.

All the closed trades closed as winners, bringing the Green Light track record to a shocking 77 wins and 0 losses!

That’s right, since Jeffry started putting these alerts out nearly 2 years ago, in June 2022, he’s been on an unprecedented win streak.

Take a look at what David said about his recent trades:


— The Jeffry Turnmire Trading Team


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