Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

2011 - A New Year with New Tweets

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 06:55 AM PST

It's a new year, bringing a lot of new things. New gadgets and gizmos that are gifted from the holidays, new resolutions, and in the social media world - new tweets. Lately, I ventured over to blog.twitter.com to see what's new on Twitter. Low and behold - a Twitter tracker for New Years Eve!

Less than one minute after midnight January 1st in Japan, Twitterers set an all-time record in how many Tweets they sent per second (TPS). There were 6,939 TPS wishing friends a Happy New Year, or "Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu"! That beats the previous TPS record on Twitter, sent during the World Cup Finals in June 2010. According to @JennaDawn, "In fact, on New Year's Eve, that all-time TPS record was shattered more than 68 separate times within a single 3-minute period. " That's insane!

Check out this video showing New Year's Eve Twitter data from all over the world:

Here is the data explained straight from Twitter:

"The video above visualizes New Year's Eve Tweet data across the world. The circles get bigger as more Tweets are being sent at that moment, which means it's probably midnight in that timezone. Notice that the circle over Tokyo gets so big it nearly swallows Japan.

Needless to say, we're looking forward to seeing what the Year of the Rabbit has in store. And, we're humbled by moments like this that show how people around the world are connecting and celebrating on Twitter."

What's next from Twitter? A desktop application for Mac, of course!

What are your thoughts on how Twitter is quickly breaking records? Share it in the comments here!

Visual Search with Google Goggles

Posted: 12 Jan 2011 09:50 AM PST

Google released an update(v1.3) to the Google Goggles app for iPhone and Android on Monday. The latest update brings us fully into the virtual reality world of the future via visual search capability. Just hold your phone up to an object and BAM.... online content and search options are at your fingertips. What are some of the things you can search visually with Goggles?

QR Codes/Bar Code Scanner: Google Goggles makes interpreting a QR code or product barcode even easier...and faster (claiming under 2 seconds to process). Codes in Entertainment Weekly movie trailer ads. Codes on major ads in print media. You no longer need to take a photo in a reader app to launch the embedded content. You don't even have to press a button! With Goggles, just hold up the camera phone to the object so Goggles can recognize it using it's nifty visual recognition and watch the magic happen. Read product reviews, check availability and search competitor pricing in an instant.
Ad Recognition: Goggles will recognize print ads and launch enhanced online content on any ad published in a major magazine or newspaper published since August 2010. Google tested the advertising image recognition ability with some big brands before launch - . Holy cow Batman...Is this the integration we've been talking about? A traditional print ad that launches digital content? Why... what will this mean for the traditional marketer vs online marketer war?

Now the goofy part is that Goggles can also solve a Sudoku puzzle. Of course the tech community is truly geeked about this one. Check out the Google Labs video to see the app beat Sudoku champion Tammy McLeod. It IS geeky cool, isn't it?

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