Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

InternetMarketingClub.org Presents 7 Deadly Sins of Landing Page Design

Posted: 20 Jan 2011 02:59 PM PST

Join Author and Landing Page Guru Extraordinaire Tim Ash, CEO of SiteTuners.com and the Founder and Chairperson of ConversionConference.com, as he presents the highly-regarded,"7 Deadly Sins of Landing Page Design."

Changes in landing page efficiency can dramatically improve the profitability of your online marketing programs. This Wednesday Webinar will provide you with a crash course in successful landing page optimization. Learn to identify the common Seven Deadly Sins of Landing Page Design that are present on almost every landing page, and how to avoid them.

Tim is a highly sought after presenter and keynote speaker at SES, eMetrics, PPC Summit, Affiliate Summit, PubCon, SMX, OMS, AffCon, LeadsCon, Internet Retailer, and eComXpo.

This free webinar will take place Wednesday, January 26, 2010 12:30pmEST – 1:30pmEST. To register and for more information please visit: 7 Deadly Sins of Landing Page Design

Florida Politics Turn To Twitter

Posted: 20 Jan 2011 10:47 AM PST

Florida's newly elected Governor will be turning to Twitter tonight for his first Town Hall meeting. Starting at 7pm, Rick Scott will answer as many questions as he can from people using the hashtag #FLgov. I think this is great, however, are people really going to get their answers in 140 characters? What hardball topics can you answer in that amount of space? I think it's great he's using social media, but why not use a more interactive platform where people could hear real answers? I'll be watching tonight and seeing how much of a success or fail this is. If you live in Florida, check it out. I'm curious to know your thoughts.

Trying to get your pages indexed by the Search Engines?

Posted: 20 Jan 2011 07:15 AM PST

I've been on the internet since 1994, surfing blazingly fast on a dual-banded 64kb digital ISDN connection for a total speed of 128kb/sec in my apartment. Yes, I was doing this in 1994. And one of the oldest issues I've run across on the internet is the perennial question, "How do I get my site/pages indexed by Google?"

Well, I'm going to reveal the massive secret to getting your pages indexed by any search engine. Drum roll please...BAM!

Well, it's not THAT dramatic, but the answer may hit you in the head like Bam!, given its simplicity. The secret to indexing any page in any search engine is to drive spiders to the page.

Sounds simple? The concept is pretty simple; however the execution is the difficult part. I'm sure your next question is probably "Ok, so how do I drive spiders to a page?" Guess what? You already know the answer to this as well; back links. Preferably back links from high page rank, do-follow sites.

Of course, that's the hard part. Finding and compiling an excellent list of do-follow, high page rank sites is and/or will be a time consuming, labor intensive effort. But one well worth the time and energy should you persist and succeed. For you will then be sitting on a gold mine; a list of ways to quickly and painlessly index sites or pages when you want them indexed, not when the search engines get around to it.

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