Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Facebook is Driving Ad Revenue, Are You?

Posted: 28 Jan 2011 07:11 AM PST

In a recent eMarketer article about social network advertising to account for 10.8% of online market, this year U.S. marketers will spend $3.08 billion on social media advertising. To the average marketing analyst, that's not surprising. Social network advertising, especially on Facebook, has skyrocketed in the past year. More and more companies are jumping on the "social media bandwagon", and some brands on Facebook are doing a fantastic job at it.

Many brands want to know - what's in it for me? Let's take a look at the increasing growth in social network advertising over the years.

According to eMarketer, "Spending will be up 55% over the $1.99 billion advertisers devoted to social networks in 2010 and will rise by a further 27.7% next year to reach nearly $4 billion."

2011 and it's dramatic growth will bring social media advertising spend to 10% of the total U.S. dollars dished online. According to the eMarketer study, "Worldwide, where social network ad spending will rise 71.6% to $5.97 billion, that proportion will be somewhat lower, at 8.7%."

There is no doubt that 2010 was the year of Facebook. Did anyone hear of that little engine that could, The Social Network?

"2010 was the year that Facebook firmly established itself as a major force not only in social network advertising but all of online advertising," said eMarketer principal analyst Debra Aho Williamson, author of the upcoming report "Worldwide Social Network Ad Spending: 2011 Outlook." "In 2011, its global presence is something multinational advertisers can't ignore."

Want more proof of how powerful social networks are driving ad revenue? Go to http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1008180.

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