Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Google Farmer Update - Rocking Your SEO World?

Posted: 02 Mar 2011 09:05 AM PST

This week Google announced a major change to their search algorithm. According to the official Google blog, this change impacts 11.8% of the organic results. How does the change impact your SEO strategies?

Well, for starters, you should be publishing relevant, QUALITY information on your site. If you are re-publishing content, providing a low value proposition for users or just posting plain old low quality content, Google is going to take that into consideration. The idea? Reward the web ecosystem residents that provide valuable content to users with better rankings. Of course, this news is being met with mixed reviews.

In my humble opinion, this is a good thing. As I step deeper into the depths of internet marketing I see alot of marketers trying to "work the system" or find a way to beat Google at it's own game. Remember the JC Penney story from a few weeks back? As a user, it's ridiculous to me that Penney's would rank #1 for the term "rugs". It makes me question the validity of my own SERP results. I have a friend who is so jaded, he won't even look at the first two pages of Google. He's convinced the whole page has been "jerry rigged".

When I'm searching for information, I expect quality results. I applaud Google for taking the business of search seriously. If I am searching for "best places for brunch in Miami", I have an expectation that the businesses I find actually serve brunch. I don't want to click on a link to some slick willy marketing guy's website about his dog. Oh, look, his dog likes to have brunch in Miami. Yeah, real relevant.

Say Farewell to the Facebook Share Button

Posted: 01 Mar 2011 05:56 AM PST

After a newly released update from Facebook, we must all now say farewell to the share button as we know it. The former Like button used to simply have a link appear in your recent activity whereas now, selecting the Like button will display a full story with a headline, blurb and thumbnail on your wall. Malorie Lucich, Facebook Spokeswoman, states while Facebook will continue to support the Share button, the recommended solution moving forward is, Like. This change applies to both third-party sites and on the developer documentation site.

Personally, "Like" and "Share" are two different functions for me. I "Like" things more frequently than "Share". Will my willingness to Like something as a user now change? Absolutely. In contrast, for advertisers – this could be an additional means for increasing traffic to your website as this change will ultimately give additional, prominent exposure to your Facebook community.

How do you feel about this change?

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