Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Facebook Now Targeting Status Updates with Ads

Posted: 24 Mar 2011 11:54 AM PDT

As the targeted advertising noose becomes tighter around everyone's neck, today Facebook announced that it was going to target ads based on a person's status update. For instance, if their update referenced golf for example, the reader would be targeted with ads specific to golf.

Is this good or bad? From the advertiser perspective the reason why Facebook ads convert significantly better than any of the media sources I have tested is because of the laser targeting that you can use to generate conversions. The idea of casting a "wide keyword net" which is separately ranked by algorithms that are only being guessed over to determine what works and really only known by Big G is going away.

From the user perspective it is just one more bit of privacy that has been surrendered in order to use the Facebook website. A lot of times when trying to find a business contact I will type in that person's name as well as the state and often times the search result are these "People Finder" websites that will charge me a nominal fee for the information they have gathered about that person. One of the major datasources they use to collect the information is Facebook and other social media websites.

There Are Options To Using Web Browsers!

Posted: 24 Mar 2011 07:13 AM PDT

There Are Options To Web Browsers!

We all that when you buy a PC your computer already contains Internet Explorer, but everyone does have an option to use another browser. Firefox 4 was just released and has been downloaded more than 5 million times in less than 24 hours. As of this blog the Firefox counter has over 16.5 million times and continues to grow. According to Mashable, when IE9 was available it had reach only 2.35 million downloads. How's this, in America, California leads in downloads over New York by over 300,000 downloads. Having these options allows users to surf the web more intelligently and have a better experience. Personally I've tried Chrome, IE, Safari and Firefox and really enjoy using Firefox for many reasons. Want to see some of the benefits, here is a great tool to learn Firefox and why you should be using it too.

The Future of Marketing, 3D Style

Posted: 24 Mar 2011 06:15 AM PDT

For the business world, the implications of the new Xbox Kinect technology go far beyond gaming. Microsoft launched Kinect, the motion-controlled add-on for Xbox in November. Sales of the device have far exceeded expectations. Mashable reports that the initial forcast for sales of the device were around 3 million units in the first few months, but instead rocketed to 8 million. The technology behind Kinect senses motion, voices, and even facial expressions. It is also able to distinguish one person from another.

The marketing presentations to individualized promotions, businesses can tailor the shopping experience to the customer. Consumers will be able to interact with products through a three-dimensional experience. For example, clothing retailers could offer shoppers the ability to try on their products virtually, using their actual measurements to determine fit. Customers will be able to see how an object will look in their actual living room before they purchase it. This technology will bring online shopping to a whole new level.

For a product designed to entertain, the Xbox Kinect has the ability to revolutionize the marketing industry. Consumers will no longer be confined to point and click purchases. Businesses will now be able to bring the experience of shopping in the store directly to the individual customer. Welcome to the Jetsons era.

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