Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Facebook Adds Tagging to Comments

Posted: 15 Mar 2011 01:07 PM PDT

For those of you who are not familiar with "tagging" in Facebook, let me be the first to explain it to you. Facebook gives you the ability to tag people by using the @ symbol. For example, if I'm updating my status and I want to include one of my friends in the update I can type the @ symbol and a list of my friends will display. Once you find the friend you want to tag, select your friend, and they're now tagged in your status update.

Until last week, you could not tag people in the comments section of anything posted on Facebook; you were limited to status updates and wall posts. However, you now have the ability to tag people in comments. I think this is brilliant on Facebook's part. You now can include any of your friends in a comment you make on Facebook. Think about how many more interactions that will be created due to the new tagging feature. LOL, I've used the new tagging feature numerous times already to goat my friends into discussions.

@Facebook, thanks for the new super cool tagging feature, not sure if my friends feel the same…

Jump on the Social Coupon Band Wagon

Posted: 15 Mar 2011 12:23 PM PDT

First, we had Groupon, then came Living Social and now Facebook is jumping into the one-day deal social coupon business. According to an article on Bloomberg.com, Facebook is planning to test the coupon idea in order to increase ad revenues & engage local businesses. The test will launch in five select cities including Austin, Atlanta, San Francisco, San Diego & Dallas.

Facebook will employ it's own staff to sell the deals to local businesses and offer coupons via partners like ReachLocal, GiltCity, homerun.com and PopSugar City. The service will expand the Facebook Deals functionality that is already built into Places. It's still not clear if Facebook will employ a minimum number of purchasers before offering the deal yet. The current strategy according to Emily White, Facebook's Director of Local Operations, will be to focus on those offers that users are inclined to do with friends - dining, concerts and outdoor activities.

Maybe that part in the movie where Zuckerberg stole someone else's business idea isn't so far-fetched after all? Or maybe it's like everything else on the world wide web, find a business model that works and make it better. Who wouldn't want to find a way to get on the action in an industry that is expected to reach $3.73 billion by 2015?

Statistics on Twitter’s Growth: Harnessing Twitter’s Reach for Your Business Needs

Posted: 15 Mar 2011 05:43 AM PDT

As part of their five year anniversary, yesterday Twitter blogged about the massive amount of growth they have experienced since inception. From the first tweet, through now well over a billion tweets, there is no denying Twitter's growth. There are many ways to utilize Twitter for your business and harness its reach, depending on what your objectives are with the social platform.

Below are a few statistics Twitter released to illustrate its growth trends:


3 years, 2 months and 1 day. The time it took from the first Tweet to the billionth Tweet.
1 week. The time it now takes for users to send a billion Tweets.
50 million. The average number of Tweets people sent per day, one year ago.
140 million. The average number of Tweets people sent per day, in the last month.
177 million. Tweets sent on March 11, 2011.
456. Tweets per second (TPS) when Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009 (a record at that time).
6,939. Current TPS record, set 4 seconds after midnight in Japan on New Year's Day.


572,000. Number of new accounts created on March 12, 2011.
460,000. Average number of new accounts per day over the last month.
182%. Increase in number of mobile users over the past year.


8. 29. 130. 350. 400. Number of Twitter employees in Jan 2008, Jan 2009, Jan 2010, Jan 2011 and today.

Are your customers hanging out on Twitter?

If so, at a minimum you should at least "listen" using tools such as Twitter Search. You want to be where your customers are, interacting with them. Although it's easy to use Twitter as a broadcast channel, remember it's important to add a human factor to your communications.

Happy Birthday Twitter from @erikabarbosa!

Image credit: Rosauraochoa

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