Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Social Networks Impacting the World

Posted: 14 Mar 2011 02:51 PM PDT

In January, when the power shift in Egypt occurred, the Egyptian government made a point of "shutting down the Internet" which in this case meant directing telecom providers to stop their connections in and out of the country. The main reason was that social media networks like Facebook and Twitter were aiding in the organization of rallies against the government.

Fast forward to last week when an 8.9 earthquake (and the resulting tsunami) ravaged Japan. In a message sent Friday from the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo to U.S. citizen in Japan, the Embassy encouraged Americans "to continue your efforts to be in contact with your loved one(s) using SMS texting and other social media (e.g. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.) that your loved one(s) may use."

In fact, some people have given up Facebook for Lent so it's even impacting how some practice religion. Would you be able to make the sacrifice of not using a social network for 6 weeks? I think that some of my friends did not see me online for that long they might start checking hospitals.

As powerful as these networks have been at changing lives, let's not overlook the most important item of all. It gives you a reminder when it's Mom's birthday.

...and it was ALWAYS just a matter of time.

Posted: 14 Mar 2011 12:19 PM PDT

It's official. Print is dead.

OK, maybe that was just a tad dramatic, but with the Pew Research Center report released today showing online news readership and ad revenue had, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF NEWS, surpassed its print counterpart in the U.S - I'm sticking with "print is dead".

As the subject line notes, in my opinion it was always just a matter of time. And although I don't feel happy that this likely means even more lost jobs at newspapers, TV stations and magazines; I do know that it is a positive thing when it comes to how we get, share and consume information.

After all, how can you read a newspaper and then share it with all your friends, getting their comments, swapping ideas, etc? Can you "join the conversation" on the 11 o'clock news?

The Pew Research Center report notes that 41 percent of Americans now get "most of their news about national and international issues" from the Internet - which is a 17 percent jump from last year. Only 40 percent claim to get it from offline sources.

The full "State of the News Media" report can be read here, if you want something to cite in your next powerpoint presentation.

As for me, I'm going to go back to reading the news for today. Online.

InternetMarketingClub.org Presents Preparing Powerful Presentations

Posted: 14 Mar 2011 07:37 AM PDT

Join Jay Berkowitz, CEO & Founder of TenGoldenRules.com, as he teaches powerful presentation methods in this week's webinar, "Preparing Powerful Presentations." After traveling the world, presenting on numerous Internet Marketing disciplines, Mr. Berkowitz has compiled a presentation of leading presentation techniques.

This presentation will explain the following topics:

• Cutting-edge strategies to create engaging PowerPoint presentations
• Proven Methods for creating compelling storytelling
• Tips for successfully engaging your audience
• How to utilize impactful images within a presentation
• Sell without selling

This free webinar will take place Wednesday, March 16, 2011 12:30pmEDT – 1:30pmEDT. To register and for more information please visit: Preparing Powerful Presentations

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