Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Microsoft Calling The Kettle Black

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 02:34 PM PDT

In Europe, Microsoft asked regulators to look into Google's antitrust grounds. They are accusing Google of "trying to entrench its dominance on the web." With Google moving into mobile, Google haters are claiming that this has halted competition.

According to Brad Smith, an executive with Microsoft, he stated that they are accusing Google of having "engaged in a broadening pattern of walling off access to content and data that competitors need to provide search results to consumers and to attract advertisers." This is the first time that Microsoft formally alleges antitrust violation from a competitor.

The suit continues on with ways that search engines compete against each other with indexing and providing quality results, increasing advertising and distribution. According to Smith, "Google maintains a 95 percent share of the European market" as well as manipulates the algorithm to prevent competing websites from ranking in search results.

This will be very interesting to watch as Microsoft as this is the first time they are looking at it from another perspective.

New Facebook Functionality: Facebook Questions

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 12:26 PM PDT

Part of a series of rollouts that Facebook is making involves something that is, in my opinion, quite cool (but I haven't found anything online marketing that isn't cool). Currently in beta, Facebook is launching a tab called "Questions" which allows you to directly ask Yes/No questions on your page. Also by hovering over each question, you can see how many votes are for each answer. Here is how a question will look on your Wall:

Be sure you're logged into Facebook first and then go to http://www.facebook.com/questions . Once there you will be presented with a green button which will autoinstall the application into your account to then use.

What I like about this application are basically 2 things. 1) Extremely easy to install and 2) Increases the amount of interactions I will be able to have. Interactions = increased social media experience which will open up other doors like better search results in the future.

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