Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

A Little Fun with Top 404 Error Pages

Posted: 14 Apr 2011 02:25 PM PDT

I'm sure we can all agree just how frustrating a user experience can be when encountering the dreaded, 404 Error Page. Unfortunately, these pages tend to be useless and plain old boring. Although a "Fail Whale" may not fit your Company's image, when possible, spruce up your 404 Error Page a bit and make it more engaging and entertaining. The very thought of encountering a 404 Error Page is disappointing as it is for users, so why not try to give them a laugh to calm the situation?

Mashable previously featured a handful of fun examples of 404 Error Pages. Below are my top 10 (in no particular order):

1. Center'd
2. Itchy Robot!
3. Urban Outfitters
4. Apparent Etch
5. Adham Dannaway
6. iContact
7. iWearYourShirt
8. SLBJ Women's Conference
9. Zappos
10. Bit.ly

I hope you had a laugh or two with the above list. Do you have any fun 404 Error Pages to add to the list?

Good News For Honest Email Marketing

Posted: 14 Apr 2011 12:18 PM PDT

Google has caused quite a disturbance with their new algorithm modifications. Sites that were once at the top of the lists have been lowered to almost non-existence. Obviously the idea was to clear out the clutter being slammed into the search engines and mail boxes by less than original, fraudulent and non-relevant information providers.

The way it appears to work is they are having individuals manually sift through content looking for spam issues. Once they have identified certain situations they pass that along to the engineers so that they can modify the algorithm to instantly identify other examples. When they do identify these issues they are not being kind. To top that other individual companies appear to be following suite and implementing similar standards. Which means this is a growing trend that will give content providers more reason to be honest, fresh, and relevant.

This means for anyone providing content on a regular basis, like email marketing specialists, they better make their content useful to their targets, or else. Email spammers have been working hard since the beginning, and this action by Google seems to be a direct reaction to their dishonesty. Statistics show that email marketing is going to grow almost 50% in 2011. So if you are a relevant email marketer the future seems very bright and the big boys are on your side.

Go Viral With Facebook Questions

Posted: 14 Apr 2011 06:04 AM PDT

Many of us have tried to make something go viral on the web. I for one have attempted to do this with articles, images, Facebook pages, and YouTube videos without much success. I take that back, I did have some success with one of my Facebook pages that I created, "Hey BP Oil, Thanks For The Oil Spill Aholes ". Facebook recently added a new feature called "Facebook Questions" and in my opinion, created the single easiest way to make something go viral.

I came across a question on Facebook the other day and a light bulb went off in my head. The question wasn't asked by a brand or a company but by an individual who was simply asking a question. In a little over two weeks, 2,227,424 votes had been cast and over 66,927 people were following the question. Can you imagine if your company or brand would have asked this question? The question went viral almost instantly.

I understand the question, "Do you remember where you were at 8:46am September 11, 2001?", would be a no brainer for a ton of votes. But just think about this, there are thousands of other questions that could be asked which could produce similar results. By following breaking news and current events and then introducing the questions into Facebook, you have an incredible chance for your questions to go viral. What are you waiting for? Start asking questions today…

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