Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

"Google Offers" Beta Launches Adding to an Already Crowded "Deal of the Day" Space

Posted: 28 Apr 2011 08:10 AM PDT

Pretty much the same time that Facebook launched its "Groupon Clone" they are calling "Facebook Deals", Google is launching "Google Offers" in 4 cities (New York City, Oakland, Portland Oregon, and San Francisco). Will all of these "Deal of the Day" websites end up cannibalizing each other, or will they all live in harmony? My all-time favorite has been Woot.com which was the first site that I saw with a one deal only for today type of concept. To a lesser extent I have always enjoyed various coupon websites which help to enhance my ecommerce experience on websites I am making my purchases on (I usually search for coupons before finalizing an online purchase).

For Google as well as Facebook, they have a clear advantage over any of the other deal sites because they can integrate their other properties (Adsense, Google Maps, etc.) into this new program.

Adapting Your Persona Is Good Business

Posted: 28 Apr 2011 07:09 AM PDT

Marketing is a way to reach people and sell them on either your service or your product. Social marketing is more of selling yourself, and then your service or product. So creating an attractive, in-touch persona, and adapting it as time goes on seems very logical.

Social marketing has created a whole new world where people/customers can review and rate products and services literally in the blink of an eye. Not only that but they can also get an impression of you and your business much faster than before. With platforms like Facebook and Twitter you are representing yourself in a much more three dimensional manner than in the past. Creating a persona that positively represents you and your grasp on your professions here and now will help you attract potential customers.

In today's business world being forthright is becoming more and more important. Staying tuned in to your surroundings is critical. Representing yourself as a company that people can relate to will help you gain trust right off.

"Being comfortable with the familiar persona you see in the mirror is not the same as having an appearance that helps you reach your goals."
-Seth Godin

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