Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

The Time 100 of 2011: Most Influential Technologists

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 03:12 PM PDT

The Time 100 of 2011 was released today which includes a mix of the most influential people in the world. This list consists of artists, activists, reformers, researchers, heads of state, captains of industry and technologists.

Some of the featured technologists include:

1. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook Founder
2. Larry Page, Google CEO
3. Reed Hastings, Netflix CEO
4. Peter Vesterbacka, Angry Birds Game Developer
5. Arianna Huffington, The Huffington Post Co-Founder
6. Charles Chao, Sina Weibo CEO (China's Twitter)

I'm sure a few of these names do not come as a surprise (i.e. Mark Zuckerberg). But with the technology industry growing in leaps and bounds, there has to be a few key influencers missing from the list. One name that comes to mind for me is Pete Cashmore, Mashable Founder and CEO. He didn't make it on this year's list although he was included in 2010's.

Who has significantly propelled the technology field that you feel is missing from the list? Or do you feel the list is accurately portrayed?

Image credit: brisbanefalling

It's A Small Marketing World After All

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 01:41 PM PDT

The marketing world is changing. It's changing in a way that is creating quite a buzz around the industry.

It used to be that companies, especially large ones, could throw some money into advertising and make a pretty good Return On Investment. It didn't seem to matter if the product was actually any good, as long as you got the word out, you would get plenty back. Those days seem to be fading away thanks in part to social media and other small marketing mediums.

Today's marketing strategies seem to be holding products and services, and the companies that provide them, more accountable. Small media, which includes platforms like Facebook Pages, blogs, pay-per-click advertising, and other types of online marketing is giving the power back to the people. Seth Godin points out on his blog post that there are four types of media, and the smallest one is starting to carry the biggest pull.

Now more than ever people can get other's opinions on pretty much anything within minutes. If someone likes a product, they can jump on their computer and tell the whole world how they feel about it. For companies offering products or services that are honest and good, they can get a buzz going without having to drop even a dime on marketing. For those who are just trying to make a quick buck, they're marketing efforts will just get harder and harder.

WalMart Vying For Better Ecomm Experience

Posted: 21 Apr 2011 06:19 AM PDT

Walmart has purchased Kosmix, a start up social media company that is focused on e-commerce for an undisclosed sum of money. The founders of Kosmix are no strangers to being bought out. Venky Harinarayan and Anand Rajaraman started Junglee, another online shopping venture which was sold for $250 million in 1998. "We are at an inflection point in the development of e-commerce," Mr. Rajaraman wrote on Monday in a blog post. "The first generation of e-commerce was about bringing the store to the Web. The next generation will be about building integrated experiences that leverage the store, the Web and mobile, with social identity being the glue that binds the experience."

What are you doing to improve your shopping experience? What are you doing to help your customer?

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