Bitcoin’s Next Big Move…

FEB 24 2023
Don’t Ask Permission

I’m a Free Will kind of guy.

You might as well be born with “Free Will Included” stamped right on your bottom as far as I’m concerned.

Nature imposes only physical limits. Everything else boils down to a decision to act within those material constraints.

Whether you judge that aspect of the human condition as a feature or a bug depends on your perspective. Regardless of your point of view, each of us possesses the fundamental capacity to choose for ourselves. 

Only you determine the next step. And only you decide the degree to which you impose your Will on others.

In a nutshell, where you draw the line on the whole issue of your Will relative to others forms the essence of moral action.

Some see no line.

To them, the ends justify the means. And when persuasion fails, those means include constricting your actions in an unceasing train of prohibitions and permissions.

Thankfully, throughout history, we have benefitted from a particular breed of Free Will revolutionaries. Visionaries hell-bent on creating conditions that respect everyone’s right to choose. Intellects with ideas to subvert authoritarian designs by drawing the lines of an open society around everyone.

And when it comes to putting those subversive ideas to the test, they all know this:

You don’t ask permission to start a revolution…

The Will to Act According to Your Principles

In July 1776, when a dissatisfied band of colonists signed the Declaration of Independence, they had already assumed the right of self-governance. The fight for a free and open society was happening anyway.

The Declaration simply made plain their motivation to act.

And they most definitely were not begging the favor of the king.

When Eric Hughes shot off an email containing A Cypherpunk’s Manifesto in March of ’93, programmers the world over were already writing open-source cryptography code. They knew that “privacy is necessary for an open society in the electronic age.” 

They wanted privacy. But no one was going to give it to them.

“Cypherpunks write code,” and his Manifesto let the world know they wrote code to make encryption – and the “anonymous transaction systems that it makes possible” – available to anyone who wanted it.

And no one could do anything about it.

Satoshi Nakamoto had already written the Bitcoin code when he(?) dropped the Bitcoin whitepaper on a cryptography mailing list in October 2008.

The white paper described his attempt at an anonymous transaction system. He knew money didn’t have to come from the government. Money just needs a system of trust. And he thought proof-of-work cryptographic hashes could provide that trust.

And, like the architects of authoritarian subversion that went before him, he was not asking permission.

Well, Satoshi’s idea works.

Bitcoin is now out in the wild. And my friend Jeffry Turnmire just made a BOLD prediction…

He’s a real cryptocurrency connoisseur. And he recently declared that a unique trigger event will cause a window to open that could send Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to all-time highs.

Few stood behind him in this statement… but after I heard what led him to make such a daring announcement, I think he might be onto something. 

>> You can see his research for yourself here…

Think Free. Be Free.

Coming This Monday at 9:15am ET

Every market day at 9:15am ET, I review the biggest pre-market movers. Join me as I livestream on YouTube right here
Make Your First Step Into Options a Confident One

Most beginner options traders feel overwhelmed and uneducated about options trading. Some are confused about how to get started, and some might not know if options trading is even right for them in the first place.

If you’re facing the same issue, don’t worry…

You’re not alone!

It’s easy to feel lost when you do not have a specific plan in mind.

Many beginners just want to jump in and get some experience trading options without the proper education. Of course, that does not work because most of the time their trades are hit and miss. Why is that? 

Well, novice options traders can easily make elementary mistakes when executing an options strategy but fail to realize it.

For example, they may be planning to execute a diagonal spread to generate some short-term income for their portfolio but they buy options that are not deep enough in-the-money.

This may then lead to a loss even though they got the direction right for the underlying stock.

A trader’s journey in options trading begins with the right mindset… and just as importantly, a solid foundation in options.

To trade options successfully, you need to understand the building blocks, and you need to have a plan so that you can get started on the right track.

So let’s take a look at the five steps towards launching your options trading journey with confidence.
Consumer Forcing the Feds Hands

Earlier on “Ask the Pros,” I broke down recent trends in GDP, the consumer, business investment, and today’s release of what everyone calls the Fed’s favorite inflation indicator, the PCE deflator.

On that last point – the PCE deflator – it’s clear that inflation is not bottoming out. In fact, compare it to the current Fed Funds rate and you can see that the Federal Reserve still has a long way to go to fight inflation.

The Fed says it’s data driven and the data reveals that the Fed can’t pause  despite the economy heading into recession.

And rising inflation in the face of recession spells stagflation.

There’s a lot more data to cover. And I covered it all for you in today’s “Ask the Pros” session. To follow along for yourself, you can download my slide deck here.

And, as always…

Take What the Markets Give You.


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