This is really surprising!

Don't get too excited…

The market opened kinda strong today!

That's pretty surprising since the futures were not up that much before it opened.


I believe this delay was because the market opened and then it gained some ground.

That being said, there is a lot of buying today…

But I don't expect this to stick.

When you have a stock that's up, the best thing to do is sell covered calls!

That's where the money is right now!

Selling covered calls especially, the volume behind them make for great premium.

Use this tiny uptick in the market, which I don't think will stay, to your advantage!

In fact, I think I know the BEST stock to use this strategy on.

Check out this workshop to learn what that stock is and what to do with it.

Trade well,



Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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