Quick Brief:Sprinkles of opportunity in odd corners of the market.

in regards to the future of big name stocks. Take cover.

There are not many stories that I don't know about when it comes to the stock market…

But I've just stumbled across one I have yet to see…

It's in regards to the immediate future of some of our most favored stocks.

While the underlying story is grim and nerve wracking for anyone who has a significant investment in the stock market.

It's also sprinkled with bouts of major opportunity…

Under normal circumstances, I'd ignore a story like this trust in my own judgment…

After all, most stock market stories are either predicting a major market crash…

Of an epic recovery back to all time highs…

But rarely does ONE story contain both perspectives and a way to benefit regardless of what actually happens…

That's why this one has caught my attention

And it's coming from the most unlikely of sources…

But in my opinion it's critically important to hear…

In the month of February, the repercussions of this story have already put readers in front of a 55% return from ticker ACVA….

An 87% return from NET….

And one crazy good play on LUMN for 245%...

Crazy enough… each of those gains unfolded in just 24 hours…

That's why it's important to have a firm grasp on this particular stock market story…

It's massively beneficial.

Click here to listen.

Trade well,


Past performance is not indicative of any future results. Trade at your own risk. From 2/21/20 - 2/02/23 on live trades the win rate is 67%, the average return is 13.1% on the options over a 8 day average hold time, with an annualized return of 140.8%.


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