Starting 2023 with a bang

This is one of the biggest trades we've seen in a while

Today I want you to check out a stock: NVDA

This stock went up like crazy today!


I know several hundred people made a killing on this trade... I know that because I sent them the trade alert 2 days ago!

Now, here's what I didn't know...

I didn't know it would go up $30 a share!

It was going to make a big move one way or the other, but I didn't know which way.

So here's what we did...

We did two options trades, one in case the stock popped up higher and one in case it dropped a lot lower.

It popped up hard! The net result of both of these trades is a monster profit!

I'm guessing it's the biggest profit they've seen in over a year!

Now, if you want to learn how to do this it's simple... but it's kind of got a sneaky setup.

Nothing complicated, you can get in both of these trades for less than a thousand dollars easy.

The thing about it is you have to understand how it works and why we've set it up the way we have.

We call it the Trojan Horse and all the details can be found here.



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