Giving the Fed the Finger…

MAR 7 2023
5pm ET TONIGHT: Line in the Sand for the S&P

Here’s my plan right now…

See that support line in the chart above?

Well, it’s been in place since last summer and it’s a key line in the sand for the S&P.

I’ll be talking about whether we can expect a break-down of this long-term trend or a major shift higher in tonight’s “30 Minutes of Awesome”.

Every Tuesday at 5 pm ET, I go live on YouTube, discuss the top-of-mind risks you should consider in the week ahead. Plus, I’ll share with you what I am looking for to confirm that the market’s headed higher.

And, as always, I take requests.

Join me this evening at 5pm ET right here

Easy Money, Market Bid

Despite the most aggressive set of Fed hikes ever, financial conditions are still loose. And as far as Garrett Baldwin sees it, that still-easy money goes a long way to propping up markets.

I agree with Garret on that point. But there’s a lot of ways to see just how easy that money is and what the Fed has to do to quash it… assuming they do.

Alongside the ever-stellar Celeste Lindman, and Roger Scott, Garrett and I will unpack this critical market-making topic on tomorrow’s “Roundtable” at 10 m ET.

And I bet you we’ll end up talking about the surge in 0DTE options trading, as it plays right into Garrett’s easy-money theme.

Plus, Celeste will share something interesting she sees developing in growth versus value plays. And Roger has 3 key plays in one key sector for you to think about now.

It’s open to everyone. So, bookmark this link and set a reminder for 10am ET tomorrow because this stuff is too important to miss.

And for those of you that haven’t joined my Prosperity Pub Community on Telegram yet, here’s this week’s Sizzle Stock Session

Futures markets are finally showing some bias - except oil, that is. There’s a beautiful setup in the Russell 2000. And Roku Inc. (ROKU) looks like a short.

Click on the video link below to check it out.

Don Yocham, CFA
Bad News Bears

Bear Markets usually last about nine and a half months.

We’re well past that. 

And Bulls are desperate for a pop. 

Any pop. 

Or any good news. Or anything that looks like good news. 

Or anything that isn’t horrible news!

But the Bulls can’t seem to catch a break. 

Today, Fed Chairman Powell started his testimony in front of Congress. Beforehand, the market actually ticked up.

That’s how starved traders are. They wanted to be ready for good news.

Instead, Powell lowered the hammer. 

Inflation is worse than ever. So the upcoming rate hikes are going to be worse than ever.

And, unsurprisingly, the markets have started to tank (as of this writing). 

Will there be pockets of positivity in the face of more bad news?

Of course.

UAL has broken above its previous high and is remaining strong as of this moment:


UAL could make a run up to the $62 level. 

But, absent some overt dovishness from the Fed, we’ll have to watch our setups and pick our spots.

It looks like the Bears aren’t done with us yet. 

Happy trading,

One Stock, Two Trades, Extra Cash Each Week…

Today, I want to completely demystify the investing process…

I want to take a group of average Americans… 

And show them how straightforward it has been to target an extra $500 in income each and every week.

Whether you’re starting with $1 million in your retirement account, or just ten grand.

Now, before we get going, I want to be very clear. 

There’s nothing guaranteed in the markets. There’s no instant income magic pill…

There will be winning weeks – and losing weeks, too… 

But the method I’ll share today has been able to lock in some pretty handsome payouts – week after week – with a 97.1% success rate on over 100 signals…

Now, I know this may sound a little crazy, but as a former hedge fund manager and 35 year trading vet…

I can tell you that targeting extra cash each week is actually way easier than you might think…

Wall Street wants you to think that making money has to be complicated and time consuming…

And wait years to get a payout… But the truth is… 

It only takes a few minutes and a couple clicks of the mouse to use this method…

And to prove it to you, I’ll place one of these “2-Step Trades” live - before your very own eyes…

Click here to see me place the “2-Step Trade” right 


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