Why you should trade news headlines

Wall Street is putting Main Street traders at a disadvantage by front running news.

That's where they get into a stock BEFORE a major news announcement...

Like the announcements seen below… 

It may be unethical but…it’s perfectly legal! 

Here’s the good news… 

Wall Street insiders aren’t the only ones who can take advantage of these explosive headlines. 

You could target these moves too…with a little help from my indicator of course!

And while we can never promise future returns or against losses, we have seen some of our most diligent members enjoy some fantastic results… 

Naturally, there were smaller wins and those that did not work out.  Nothing is perfect after all.   

Until recently, there hasn't been a way for regular folks to target these explosive moves until it was too late… 

But with what I show you here, now there is
'Til the next trade,

Lance Ippolito
Signature Lance Ippolito
Past performance is not indicative of any future results. Trade at your own risk. From 2/21/20 - 2/22/24 on live trades the win rate is 68.4%, the average return is 14.1% on the options over a 7 day average hold time, with an annualized return of 127%

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