Allow me to introduce myself

And share my 3 Rivers Portfolio!
Hey folks,

Nate here.

If we haven’t met yet, well, let me quickly introduce myself…

I’m the Publisher here at Prosperity Pub, and I’ve been leading our team behind the scenes for years, helping bring you the valuable trading insights that you see every day from our top experts.

So that means I’ve had the pleasure of working very closely with guys like Jeffry, Jack, Tom, Geof, Casey… Roger, Lance and many others too.

But in recent months, I’ve stepped out behind the background to share some of my own personal ideas, insights and strategies with our readers.

And I can tell you, it’s not because I want to be in the spotlight haha! 

My family and I live in a little self-contained community in a remote suburb of Pittsburgh and I value my privacy. 

But I’ve wanted to get face-to-face with more traders recently because I simply think there are opportunities right now that are too valuable to ignore.

And I believe I am in a unique position to share some of those opportunities. 

As I said, I’ve had the unique advantage of being behind the scenes with some of the top traders out there. I’ve been able to work on their strategies with them, see the testing data, watch them perform in real markets and so on.

And I’ve had that privilege of picking and choosing many of the best elements of different approaches and combining them with my own ideas.

As a regular guy who loves trading, I feel that my journey can resonate with our readers because, ultimately, my goal is to use the markets to generate impactful wealth. And I am guessing that’s your goal too.

As a father to six (with number seven coming in just a few weeks) it’s not just about me. And I am guessing that’s also true for you… Because almost everybody has someone else in mind when they trade.

It’s not about some dollar amount they want for themselves, but about having a positive impact for people and causes they care about.

Now I am about to make a bold claim and I am the last person to suggest there are any guarantees in the markets…

But I really want to be an ally for you and hopefully a small piece of that life changing impact.

And the best way to start that journey is with my 3 Rivers Portfolio.

My 3 Rivers Portfolio is the PERFECT starter kit for busy traders trying to build a balanced portfolio capable of targeting outsized gains without hours of research and dozens of positions.

Every month, I’m gonna send THREE new opportunities, including: 
A directional opportunity targeting over 100% 
An income opportunity targeting 25% 
A hybrid hedge setup built to protect the other two positions 

My goal is to give you a mini portfolio of trades that absolutely crushes the broad market… All while being infinitely easier to execute and manage than a typical portfolio.

And it’s all with options trades, which makes it perfect for a small account.

But here’s the thing…

I know you don’t know me from Adam. We might not have ever worked together.

I can tell you I’ve done a lot behind the scenes…

But I want to be able to prove it to you…

Which is why I’m only asking you for $17 to join 3 Rivers Portfolio for the next YEAR! That’s less than $1.50 per monthly report! 

Just go here and sign up now to get started

Because the next report is coming Friday with three BRAND NEW trades! 

Of course I can’t guarantee wins, you know that. Losses can happen in the markets, and you need to be ready for them! 

But don’t miss out on this month’s opportunities…

Join today and start your very own 3 Rivers Portfolio this week! 

To your trading success,



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