Why I don't trade like most folks

Most folks insist on overcomplicating their trading… 

But I like the less complex way…

So I just wait for my system to give me what I call the Green Light.

And as long as I open a trade before the market closes that day…

I know I have a legitimate shot to see an what could be an explosive return within the next 24 hours…

Just like it happened on CVD on December 13th after I got the “green light” on the ticker

And on January 17th… Green light on Pypl…
Now the good news is…

Because there are 250 trading days a year…

I can target these green lights as often as I want… on multiple stocks!

And after targeting these green lights for almost 4 years, I’ve realized that the most explosive moves on stocks happen during earnings season.

And with a few more stocks set to announce earnings in the coming days…

I’m all set to target around 20 tickers that I believe will be worth it…

These are tickers I’ve successfully traded in the past so I’m confident we’re on to something good here.

And while I can never promise future returns, or against losses, if you’d like to see the tickers I’m interested in…

Just follow this link and I’ll fill you in.
'Til the next trade,

Lance Ippolito
Signature Lance Ippolito
Past performance is not indicative of any future results. Trade at your own risk. From 2/21/20 - 2/6/24 on live trades published for our track record the win rate is 68.4%, the average return is 14.1% on the options over a 7 day average hold time, with an annualized return of 129%.

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