A prolific edge in the stock market can’t be denied

Why I'm sharing the Income Calendar with you

Hey folks,

I'm a busy guy… I don't need extra projects to fill my time.

So it's reasonable if you're wondering why I am putting so much time into this brand new "Income Calendar" program my team and I launched yesterday.

The answer is easy though: We discovered an edge too big to ignore.

And I don't say that lightly.

I've been around a long time. I've seen almost every version of every strategy you can imagine.

But when we got the research back with a select number of tickers that tend to go up on the same dates every year… It was pretty mind boggling.

For example, let's take a detailed look at Microsoft.

Most people have no idea that on a specific few days in the fall, Microsoft has gone up 10 consecutive years (I'll tell you the exact days during the workshop, by the way).

Early in 2013, Windows 8 underperformed and Ballmer (Microsoft CEO retired)... A lot of people thought the Apple dominance would fuel a slow death for Microsoft.

But on the dates MSFT is supposed to go up every year, it did.


In 2014, Microsoft announced a shocking cut of 18,000 jobs…


Again, fear over the future of the tech giant was rampant… and, again, MSFT went up on the dates it was supposed to.


In 2015, Microsoft took a horrible earnings beat.


But on the dates it was supposed to go up… it did.


In 2016, Microsoft made a questionable purchase of LinkedIn using up a ton of cash and missed on earnings again… Yet, it performed during the only dates we care about once again.


In 2017, Microsoft announced blockchain initiatives and the XBox One release. It had a stellar year. And, no surprise, it gained during the window in the fall we watch too:


In 2018, Microsoft had another big year. Cloud partnerships with Walmart and Fortnite sales helped bolster it… and, yes, it had a great run during our key dates as well:


Microsoft continued its stretch of dominant performance in 2019 with new partnerships and innovations… and our narrow set of dates in the fall produced again:


In 2020, Bill Gates left the board… Microsoft tanked… Covid hit and Microsoft closed its stores… But during the dates when MSFT is supposed to gain ground, it did.


In 2021, Microsoft missed their chance at buying TikTok and, once again, fear that they were outdated emerged. But that didn't seem to impact the key dates for 2021.


Now, what you really want to know is "what about last year?" right?

After all, 2022 was a brutal year…

And tech got hit the hardest.

In fact, here's what MSFT's chart looked like just before the window opened:


But as soon as the window opened… Even last year during a historic beatdown of tech stocks… you guessed it:


The box I drew on the chart is our window. As you can see, a shocking rally to the upside occurred right on the days MSFT is supposed to go up (it went right back down after, by the way).

Anyone who knew about this window on MSFT, would have been very happy over the last decade…

And I hope you can see why this is simply too big of an edge to ignore.

Now, it isn't October, and that means MSFT isn't on the Income Calendar this week…

But another stock is, and I just released the first-ever Income Calendar trade to my new followers yesterday.

Another one of the beautiful things about this strategy is that just because a few hours have passed since I announced our entry, that doesn't mean you can't get in today.

There's no dire urgency with these trade alerts like there is with so many others.

Because we have the history, and we are using a unique income setup to take advantage.

So here's the thing: yesterday I guaranteed that the first 50 folks who took action on this offer would get their membership half off.

I can promise you we've smashed through those first 50 slots. But you know Jack: I'm a generous guy.

And I feel like extending the discount for at least another little while.

So if you've read up to this point, I know you know the power of this strategy. Don't let another day go by without taking advantage.

>> Go here to join the Income Calendar today <<

The next discounted spot is waiting for you. Along with the first trade. And a ton of other bonuses I haven't even covered in this email. You can read more and place your order at this link.

Look, I've been around the markets for 37 years. I've done my "grinding" in the pits, and I've worked my fingers to the bone managing hedge funds. I'm done with all that, and I'm happy to take the easy road when I can. Who isn't?

But when something is this powerful, you can't keep it to yourself, and you can't ignore it. So I hope you take the opportunity to start trading the Income Calendar with me today.

I'll see you inside,



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