Take a look at this chart…

Target 50%+ wins with this technique!
Take a look at this chart…
This was back on March 16th… 

The white line represents where the market closed. 

As you can see, the ticker has a pretty nice close.

But the very next day it opened up all the way down there… 

That big move probably sparked a lot of traders… 

But Jeffry knew before the market opened this ticker was prime for a 60 minute surge! 

And sure enough.. Just 10 minutes after the opening bell…

You're looking at a 31% profit in just 10 minutes! 

That’s a $310 payday in less time than it takes most people to drive to work! 

If you're ready to start targeting these wins and know what tickers to hold out on check out this training session! 

Take what the market gives you,

Don Yocham 

The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. From 1/3/2022 through 3/27/2023 the average return is 16% per trade (winners and losers) with a win rate of 61%. The average winner is 79.8% over a 54 minute holding time. The annualized rate of return is 383%.

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