DON YOCHAM Meddling Mandarins of the FOMC Like French in Feudal Europe and Latin in the Catholic Church, Mandarin Chinese was a language spoken by a privileged class. Mandarins as a class can be traced back to 206 B.C. when a system of civil service examinations was established to select officials based on their knowledge of Confucian classics and other literature. Over the centuries, these educated elites became responsible for maintaining social order, collecting taxes, and overseeing public works projects. Mandarins were technocracy in action. Today, we have our own privileged class of technocrats with their own special language. They call themselves the Federal Open Market Committee, or FOMC, and their special language will undergo detailed scrutiny beginning 2pm ET next Wednesday. These modern-day Money Mandarins presume the knowledge to manipulate the price of money. But, as I spare no ink reminding you every chance I get, the members of the FOMC simply don’t possess the knowledge necessary to undertake such a monumental task. No one does. Indeed, like Friedrich Hayek, one of the greatest free-market economists of the 20th century said, “The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.” An imagination that Hayek went so far to label as “fatal conceit.” Unfortunately, this conceit isn’t limited to the Federal Reserve. Aspirations of Order Fatal conceit underpins the arrogance common to nearly all who would dare pass laws, effect policy, or pass executive orders that impact the decisions of hundreds of millions of people. Their common error: Imagining centralized decision-making outperforms decentralized decision-making. In short, they like to meddle. And these malicious meddling mandarins think that the order imposed by the decisions of a few can bring a more optimal result than the one that emerges naturally out of chaotic human interactions in a world rich with choice. And they basically get the run of the place because, deep down, most people crave more order than nature allows. Elected officials and the technocrats they assign simply reflect that desire. The masses want their mandarins, and politicians give the masses what they want. Sadly, the rampant, deep-seeded tendency of most people to look to those apparently in control to make things better, especially in times of trouble, creates more problems without ever solving the one it set out to resolve in the first place. We hope that bailouts work. We believe the Fed can orchestrate the “right” price of money. We buy into superficial dialectics like “Russia bad, NATO good” because it makes us feel the system, built by mandarins to benefit mandarins, works. Austrian economists have tried for over a century to teach us that decentralized decision-making outperforms centralized decision-making. Any system dependent on the intervention of a few to create order out of chaos is doomed to failure. And until the voting masses take that lesson to heart, we’ll keep hanging on to every meddlesome word that ushers forth from the money mandarins mouths. JEFFRY TURNMIRE’S MORNING MONSTER 🎥 Consumer Confidence?!? A big week for data kicks off tomorrow with all eyes on consumer confidence for April. Join me before the open tomorrow to hear what I have to say about this key metric – and look at how the market is acting in anticipation of its release. I’ll cover it all at 9:15am ET tomorrow on “Morning Monster.” Every day, I livestream what I see as the day’s big movers. I cover specific stocks I expect to move and give you my rundown on all the major indices. Plus, I’ll take your requests to give whatever you want a good look. Be sure to join me every morning, at 9:15am ET right here. Jeffry CELESTE LINDMAN That’s Why It’s Called ‘5-Day Turnarounds’ It’s remarkable, really. As you’ve witnessed first-hand the last few years, the markets can be an ugly place… and the news is primarily negative. But with 5-Day Turnarounds, all in all, you’re able to ignore the dozens of noisy news events plaguing your decision-making every single day. Because with back-tested data, it’s become clear to me that the best setups for this strategy happen when stocks are falling on Monday. And then all you have to do is: Step 1. Follow the alert delivered to you (I’ll have done all the research prior) Step 2. Place a trade at one specific time on Monday Step 3. Close out within a week's time. That’s why it’s called “5-Day Turnarounds.” Want to know more? Get all the details here. Celeste MICAH LAMAR A Quick Monday Update on AAPL ![]() Apple Inc. (AAPL) has been up and up since the bottom that we called at the beginning of the year. It’s seen new higher highs and new higher lows. With earnings around the corner (May 3, 2023), there are two big things I find concerning… The first is that momentum is absolutely slowing down. The MACD has been making lower highs. Last week, AAPL hit a higher high, while the MACD hit a lower high… and has now crossed to the bears. The MACD can be seen in the line chart below the AAPL candlestick chart here… ![]() Apple only dropped about $1.63 on Friday, but is continuing its gentle slide this morning. It appears this stock has officially hit the top of its channel. If the earnings weren’t in play, I’d suspect the stock was going to pull back and compress, build a base and unwind a little bit. But if the company reports amazing earnings, the stock could head first to about $176… then up to around $180/$183 – and eventually breaking out. And if it DOES break out, the move is going to be enormous… I’d say up to perhaps $200… perhaps even as high as $220. If earnings are lackluster, and the stock ends up going sideways, I’d expect more compression and potentially even a pullback. If it did drop back to $155/$160, it would have a nice springboard for a move back up. Overall, $170 is my make-or-break level for AAPL. Above $170, we’re breaking out… below, and we’re potentially headed for a sideways or downward move. I’ll be back with a review next Monday. Enjoy your week! Micah |
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