26/36 trades on these holiday weekends

3 Trade Opportunities To Take Advantage 
Of Memorial Day’s “Long Weekend Effect”

Markets are closed Monday for Memorial Day… 

Giving my favorite weekend trade opportunities an extra day to “cook”! 

Prepare for this coming “Long Weekend Effect” with me

Last Memorial Day, we locked in wins like 6.85% on HOOD, 21.43% on CNK, and even a whopping 68.22% on RIVN… 

All in one single long weekend!! 

And in fact, for the past year… 

By trading these “Long Weekends” - we’ve been able to win 72% of them

This Thursday at 4pm Eastern as the markets close, I’ll be hosting a live “preparation class” on how I’m going to take advantage of this phenomenon again… 

The question is, will YOU join me? 

“YES! I want to trade Memorial Day’s “Long Weekend Effect” with you!”

Let’s do this thing! 

Signature Lance Ippolito
Lance Ippolito
Past performance is not indicative of any future results. Trade at your own risk. From 9/20/21 to 5/22/23 on live trades the win rate is 72.5%, the average return is 9.7% on the options over a 3 day average hold time, with an annualized return of 507.22%.​


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