Why I’m NOT Trading Earnings

And what I'm doing instead!

Between Home Depot's report, lower-than-expected retail sales data and debt ceiling crisis chatter, we have a lot of volatility in the market.

I believe the debt ceiling issue will be resolved, as it always is. But even then, I don't expect the market to return to normal as soon as we hear some positive news…


Earnings reports are still weighing stocks down. Some companies are beating already lowered expectations, but a lot of them aren't...

And even for some of the companies that have come in ahead, their forward guidance has a lot of investors worried about the possibility of a recession on the horizon.

So I'm not making my trades based on earnings.

I have another strategy in my pocket that's a little different…

I've discovered a number of stocks that go up on certain dates. And I'm not just talking once or twice in a row, I'm talking about a 10-year track record.

That's an incredible piece of information to have on hand! But the question is, what can you do with it, and how can it be incorporated into a trading strategy?

That's exactly what I just revealed in a recent training session.

Watch It Here

Trade well,


Jack Carter

Jack Carter Trading


Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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