The Options Strategy That Has a Higher Potential Return

Is it Covered Calls or Naked Puts?

One thing I love about options trading is the number of different strategies that can be used.

But on the other hand, having so many different strategies also causes confusion among traders…

And one thing I get asked most often is the difference between covered call and naked put strategies.

That's why I wanted to spend some time answering this question in today's video.


And I don't just give a brief overview of the topic… I use historical data to cover a few examples in full detail, and provide a full side-by-side comparison of how the two strategies stack up against one another.

There's also another strategy that's come to my attention lately…

I've discovered a number of stocks that go up on certain dates. And I'm not just talking once or twice in a row, I'm talking about a 10-year track record.

That's an incredible piece of information to have on hand! But the question is, what can you do with it, and how can it be incorporated into a trading strategy?

That's exactly what I'm about to reveal in a new training session.

Save Your Seat Here

Trade well,


Jack Carter

Jack Carter Trading


Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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