Income for Life — and how it’s historically won nearly 10 out of every 10 trades.

This life-changing program is now open to the public.

Have you heard about Income for Life?

It's my new nationwide initiative to help hard-working Americans target $500 or more each and every week, with a simple 2-step trade.

And today I'm incredibly proud to share with you our latest trade on CME, which we closed out as a 4% winner just a few hours ago.

That's enough to turn a $10k starting stake into an extra $400 cash, exactly as the strategy is supposed to work!

But truth be told, this is not unique.

I could have sent you this email dozens of times in the past…

And if history is any guide, I'll have plenty of opportunities to send you a similar email again.

That's because Income for Life is a service with a nearly-unbelievable 97.1.% win rate!

I'm talking about winning almost 10 out of every 10 trades we place!

That's about as close to 100% as I've ever seen for any strategy anywhere!

But there's just one problem…

While our Income for Life winners continue piling up… I've noticed you're not set up to receive my alerts.

And that means that each time we score a win…

You're missing out!

When we stack win after win, amazing things happen.

It's not just a little bit of cash here or there.

When you stack these up week after week, we're talking about sums of money that could be life-changing.

I want to help you fix this problem, so click here to learn more about Income for Life now!

Many current members have told me that the best investment they've ever made was the time they invested in learning about the strategy…

Because once you know how Income for Life works, you're going to have the irresistible urge to join me in these remarkable trades.

So I've prepared a special video to tell you all about it…

Just click right here to watch it…

But hurry, before we enter what could be our next winning trade!

Trade well,


Jack Carter

Jack Carter Trading



Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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