Which stocks are most likely to move over Memorial Day Weekend?

Which stocks are most likely to pay out over this coming Memorial Day Weekend?! 

Not to brag or anything… 

       Ok, maybe I am bragging a bit… 

But I have an insane track record for finding MASSIVE trades over holiday weekends!
Memorial Day is approaching us on Monday… 

And just last year during this same holiday weekend, we were able to lock in wins like 6.85% on HOOD, 21.43% on CNK, and even a whopping 68.22% on RIVN! 

(Yes, all in the long holiday weekend)

It’s been all thanks to something I call the “Long Weekend Effect”... 

And this weekend, I think I can do even better! 

Register for my live class: what stocks I am targeting for this Memorial Day weekend! 
Signature Lance Ippolito
Lance Ippolito
Past performance is not indicative of any future results. Trade at your own risk. From 9/20/21 to 5/22/23 on live trades the win rate is 72.5%, the average return is 9.7% on the options over a 3 day average hold time, with an annualized return of 507.22%.​


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