More “Pause and Pivot” in Today’s CPI

May 10 2023

Dear Investor,

Markets popped this morning as consumer prices rose at the slowest pace in 2 years over the last 12 months.

S&P 500 futures rose 33 points to 4,166 upon the release, though based on the 30-day Volume Profile, I think the S&P will have a hard time rising above 4,191.

The slightly cooler pace of price rises increased the odds of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) pausing its rate hike trajectory in June based on Fed Funds futures;
And anticipate the Fed cutting rates by 75 basis points by the end of the year.

Expanding our view on S&P 500 futures trading volume to the last year, you see a smooth and consistent build of volume at higher prices up to about 4,200, then it drops off dramatically.
This is a longer term bullish pattern as it indicates that investors are putting real money to work at higher prices. I expect the S&P will continue sideways to lower through the summer with the 4,200 as resistance before staging a significant rally in fall – possibly to 4,600 or so.

We discussed these factors and more during today’s “Sizzle Stocks” session. Plus uncovered a few trade setups we see paying off in the short term.

To join live, just hop in my Telegram channel where I livestream my review of potential movers each day at 10am ET.

Take What the Markets Give You.
The Market Timing Indicator is Back

Folks, it’s time.

I consider my Market Timing Indicator to be the most powerful tool I have ever used in my 40+ years of trading.

And it’s making a comeback.

We launched this as a beta product to a small group of 250 traders, and it flew off the shelves.

Here’s just a sampling of the trades that some of our top traders have caught with this tool: 

AMZN short on 3/24. Worked out very well.

Intel and made 100% profit.

PINS, got in last Thursday, 4/27 at the close on May 5 25.5 puts for $68 per contract and sold them for $227 per contract Friday 4/28 at 8:49. I bought the puts because MTI showed a down arrow on Thursday afternoon!

Those success stories are just a taste of what these Beta testers have shared with us. And I couldn’t possibly keep this thing from the public any longer.

But here’s the thing: We’re building a waiting list right now to confirm early access to the relaunch. 

If we limit spots like we did last time, I’m almost certain that they’ll fill up extremely quickly.

So I want to make sure you’re on the list to get the best shot at downloading this incredible tool.

Sign up for your MTI “Fast Pass” waiting list to skip the line when we re-release.

It’s free, and you’ll be glad you did.

See you on the flip side,


Disclaimer: Example trades are top results from real DTI students using the Market Timing Indicator in their own trading. There is no official track record or formal trade alerts with this tool, as each trader uses it at his or her own discretion. Example trades are not meant to guarantee success with this tool or promise any future earnings. There is always risk in trading.

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