My Top Stocks to Watch as the Debt Ceiling Debate Drags On

Plus how I'm trading it

The market is quiet again… It seems no one wants to make any major moves until the debt ceiling issue is resolved.

We already know how they'll solve it — they'll simply raise the debt ceiling like always after much hemming and hawing and posturing! But still, the market needs assurance. It loves certainty. So everyone is waiting to see how the current situation plays out before jumping back in to resume business as usual.

Even though the market is quiet, there's still money to be made selling options. Especially options on the handful of companies on my watchlist…


The market is also waiting for the latest Consumer Price Index and Producer Price Index numbers to come out this week. Chair Jerome Powell will use that information to determine where the Federal Reserve moves next in regard to interest rates.

But regardless of what the market and the Fed are doing, there's one strategy I trust above all others.

See How I Trade Here

Trade well,


Jack Carter

Jack Carter Trading

P.S. I'm going live on Wednesday's Roundtable with Don Yocham alongside Roger Scott and Scott Welsh!

We'll discuss inflation, investors' struggles with FOMO — the fear of missing out — and this quarter's earnings revisions. Plus, I'll share my all-weather approach to trading, including the top opportunities I've got my eye on!

Join us here at 11 a.m. ET on Wednesday, May 10:


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