Listen to Laura P.’s story

She's one of my most successful Income for Life members

I have been telling you about my Income for Life initiative, where I am taking 100 Americans a day from every walk of life to teach them how straightforward it can be to target $500 a week through the stock market.

But why listen to me tell you that, when you can hear stories directly from some of our early adopters and happiest new members?

For instance, just look at what Richard G. said…

"Jack, I have been one of your VIP members for the Weekly Options Profit trades for about 6 months now. I can only remember 1 week where one trade took some heat but still won. Your record is 100% since I have been a member."

Or here's one from Rich L. Now, Rich is clearly working with a big account to get these kinds of results (my $500 a week is based on a $10,000 starting stake), but it still is a glimpse at what's possible based on your personal resources and risk tolerance:

"I made around $133,000 since I started last September… My record is $14,905 in 4 days. Thank you so much Jack for sharing this with the public."

And I love Laura P.'s story. Again, using a bigger starting stake, but here's what SHE has been able to accomplish:

"Using Jack strategies, I am now bringing in a minimum of $3,100 in premiums every week into my account and I think my biggest week was just under $7,000 of premiums in one week."

Now, I don't want to suggest any of these results are typical. These are some of my most satisfied customers!

But the Income for Life initiative has made what they've accomplished possible.

And I believe it could help you, too… My goal is to show you how it is possible for anyone with $10,000 to invest to use a straightforward two-step trade to target as much as $500 or more through the stock market.

And I'd like you to join me for this special broadcast so you can be one of the 100 to join our initiative today…


We'll talk soon,

Jack Carter



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